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Very proud to be featured in the special series #30days30directors 

from FATELINK's Hunter Lee Hugues  

Nous sommes très fières de faire partie de la série d'interview #30days30directors 

de Hunter Lee Hugues pour FATELINK   

ShortsScope Review "Un jour de lucidité"

July, 15th 2015

We review the short film drama: “Un jour de lucidité/ A Day Of Lucidity”

Sarah Barbault va pouvoir tourner son film

1er Juillet 2015

Elles avaient besoin de 7.000 €. Et elles les ont trouvés grâce à un site de crowdfunding.

Pour leur troisième projet commun, Sarah Barbault, récemment installée à Bonneval, et sa soeur Émilie, ont fait appel à la générosité des internautes ( voir notre édition du 10 juin).

Une cinéaste de Bonneval en appelle à la générosité des internautes

4 Juin 2015

Pour mener à bien son projet de court-métrage, la réalisatrice bonnevalaise Sarah Barbault a besoin de 7.000 €. Elle s'est inscrite sur un site de crowdfunding pour trouver un financement.


C'est un projet qui lui tient à coeur. Sarah Barbault, réalisatrice récemment installée à Bonneval, veut tourner , avec sa soeur Emilie, Pleurer des larmes d'enfance, un court-métrage qui dénonce les abus sexuels perpétrés sur les enfants. 

Un jour de lucidité at NOVA Filmfest

April, 17th 2015

The Cultural Services of the French Embassy support young film creation from France with the short film: Un jour de lucidité (A Day of Lucidity) by French filmmakers Sarah Barbault and Emilie Barbault. 

Siouxland Film Festival Brings International Flair

February, 26th 2015

Sioux City, IA (ABC9 News) - On Thursday, the Sioux City Art Center was showcasing a different kind of art: independent films for the annual Siouxland Film Festival. Thursday's category was International and Art House, featuring nine films. In attendance, all the way from Paris, France were Sarah & Emilie Barbault, two sisters and directors of one of the films, Un Jour De Lucidite. That's french for A Day Of Lucidity. 

Siouxland Film Festival expands to 3 days, adds longer films

February 26th, 2015

This year a popular local film event is taking a big step, jumping to three days from what was once a one-night affair. The Siouxland Film Festival this year marks 11 years of bringing independent short films to the big screen, and organizers say the changes are a big deal.

‘’We expanded the Festival to three days because of the increased interest from filmmakers and our local audience,” said Rick Mullin, board member of the Siouxland Film Festival. “The wide range of film styles gave us the inspiration to have different genres at different locations in downtown Sioux City.”

The breadth of films shown this year is pretty impressive: International and Art House films will be shown at the Sioux City Art Center tonight; Horror, Sci-fi and fantasy will be shown Friday at the Sioux City Public Museum, and general films, plus the audience favorites from the first two nights will be shown at the Orpheum Theater on Saturday.

Tonight’s event will include the world premier of a French film, “Un Jour de Lucidite”, and the filmmakers are flying to Sioux City from Paris to attend the event. On Friday, the film “The Captain” by Dakota City native and Morningside graduate Adam Gonshorowski, who was a writer, producer and production designer, will be shown. (See related story here)

Siouxland Film Festival includes six local films

February 26, 2015

... "The 28-minute, French film "Un Jour de Lucidite," will be shown at the Art Center in Sioux City today as a world premier, and producers Sarah and Emilie Barbault will be there to view it and talk to the audience."

Sioux City Art Center Hosts Siouxland Film Festival

March 15, 2013


It was a big night at the Sioux City Art Center where the 11th Annual Siouxland Film Festival kicked-off with International and Art genre films.

Rick Mullin is member of the Board for the Film Festival, and he says this is a unique showcase.

"We're very excited to have International and Art-house films. We've never done this before, having just one kind of film or genre, and it's exciting to be here at the Art Center. We're getting all sorts of people here, some of whom have never been here before," said Mullin.

Filmmakers from all over the country were in attendance, including some from North Carolina and even two sisters from Paris, France showcased their film.

"It's really, really exciting. Really exciting! It's wonderful and we're really honored to be here. This is our first time in Iowa. So, it's wonderful. Wonderful," said Sarah and Emilie Barbault. the Design tab in the property panel.

Siouxland Film Festival to expand the entertainment across three days

February 19, 2015

The Siouxland Film Festival has extended its usual one-day lineup of independent films viewings into a three-day event, taking place at different locations around downtown Sioux City.

Film festival board member John Carter said it was time to expand the annual contest.

“All these years we kept thinking maybe we could have a festival like most others that are more than one day,” said Carter. “The idea of having a festival in more than one location was appealing to us, especially since we could all be downtown.”

Out of the more than 80 films that were submitted on the websites Withoutabox and FilmFreeway, 33 have been selected for public viewing. The films were divided into separate genres exclusive to one of the three locations.

International and art house films will be shown Feb. 26 at the Sioux City Art Center. Horror, sci-fi and fantasy flicks can be seen Feb. 27 at the Sioux City Public Museum. And an open category and the previous days’ winning films will be shown Feb. 28 at the Orpheum Theatre.

Board member Rick Mullin said he liked the challenge of hosting different genres of films.

“We’ve never done that before,” said Mullin. “It’s always been a mixed bag. Luckily we had a lot of films.”

A handful of local filmmakers will be sharing their films this year, but submissions come from all over the world — Sweden, Australia, Japan, Spain and France. The French film “Un Jour de Lucidite” (A Day of Lucidity) will make its world premiere on the first day of the festival.


Siouxland Film - Festival ‘That’s So Gay’: Siouxland Film Festival entry sends a message

February 20, 2015

"With this year’s event expanding from one day to three, showings begin Thursday at the Sioux City Art Center. The lineup includes a world premiere of the French entry, “Un Jour de Lucidite,” directed by Emilie and Sarah Barbault, one of four films with a female director. It’s also the longest film in the bunch: 28 minutes. The shortest run time is 24 seconds."

Julie Gayet mélancolique dans le clip “Waiting For You” de Minor Alps


Actuellement au coeur d'une affaire médiatico-romantico-politique qui fait parler toute la France, la comédienne Julie Gayet s'est offert une petite parenthèse en tournant dans le nouveau clip du groupe de pop-folk Minor Alps, né de la recontre de Matthew Caws (le leader de Nada Surf) et de Juliana Hatfield. Le morceau s'intitule "Waiting for You", il est présent dans l'album Get There, dispo depuis l'automne 2013. Dans la vidéo ci-dessous, que l'on doit à Emilie et Sarah Barbault (réalisatrices du court-métrage La Segmentation des sentiments, tourné en 2010), vous trouverez également l'acteur Philippe Rebbot, vu il y a peu dans Mariage à Mendoza, Lulu femme nue, Mon âme par toi guérie et bientôt dans Week-Ends.

Julie Gayet dans un clip du duo Minor Alps


... "Après l'avoir vue dans le film Les Âmes de Papier, Gayet a donc accepté ce petit rôle dans ce clip aux airs de cours-métrage, écrit et réalisé par Émilie et Sarah Barbault. Si certains s'étonnent de voir l'actrice française dans la vidéo d'un groupe américain, il faut rappeler que Minor Alps est en partie composé de Matthew Caws, le chanteur de Nada Surf, qui a toujours entretenu un rapport assez privilégié avec la France."

Exclu : Minor Alps, le clip de “Waiting For You” feat. Julie Gayet

30 janvier 2014

Le hasard fait ainsi les choses : alors qu’elle allait bientôt se retrouver sous les feux médiatiques pour ce que l’on sait, Julie Gayet s’apprêtait également à apparaitre dans ce clip des Américains de Minor Alps, pour leur joli morceau “Waiting For You”. On la retrouve donc aujourd’hui aux côtés de Philippe Rebbot dans une réalisation d’Emilie et Sarah Barbault, pour une romance faite d’absences et de non-dits…

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